Available Now: The Babylon Bee Guide To Democracy

2 years ago

At last, the time has come to unveil our latest literary masterpiece, The Babylon Bee Guide to Democracy.

Get it here: https://www.amazon.com/Babylon-Bee-Guide-Democracy-Guides/dp/1684513723/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3GS9QHM0SAVLC&keywords=the+babylon+bee+guide+to+democracy&qid=1662507542&sprefix=the+babylon+bee+guide+to+democracy%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-1

We hear a lot about democracy these days, how it's in peril, how the evil ULTRA-MAGA Trump supporters want to destroy it, and how it will be over forever if your preferred candidate doesn't win in November! Oh no!

To protect our Sacred Democracyâ„¢ from all who threaten it, you need to be equipped with the knowledge that can only be found in this definitive guide.

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