John F. Kennedy Was Not a Democrat!

1 year ago

JFK BETRAYED and directly went against the Democrat party. He turned on them and went directly against them to sign the civil rights act and to attempt to help America. John F Kennedy was never a democrat, just like Winston Churchill where he to join the communist party, would not be a communist. Just like a very nice and good person who joined Any dark movement would not really belong there and isn’t really one of them, along with their ideas. JFK went against the financial backing of the Democrat party, the big globalist bankers including the Rockefellers and the Morgans and the Bank of England. JFK figured out the crooked incorporations theme and the evil plan with the satanic deep state and satanic globalist Cabal had for America and for the whole world, and JFK was gonna put a stop to it. JFK in reality was like Donald Trump. JFK did the same things that Donald Trump did, but Kennedy ended up getting killed. Kennedy was killed by the Sicilian mob hired by the CIA and FBI.

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