Real Conservatives win hearts, minds and elections

1 year ago

You can count on one hand the conservatives who responded with facts not fear. Fat lot of use the others are in an "emergency"! First principles guided the best of us, not "modelling", "the science" or facile "health advice".

Unalienable human rights and parliamentary democracy were soon discovered to be acceptable losses for craven lockdown and mandate policies, while the cowed masses begged for the mere appearance of safety, at any cost.

A precious few like Ron DeSantis defied the statist shills in media, bureaucracy and academia, and stood up to say, "NO! Not on my watch."

Matthew Guy, this is why you will lose again like every other "Liberal" in name only. Scott Morrison, Steven Marshall, Zak Kirkup: your cowardly compliance with illiberal tyranny rendered you politically impotent and irrelevant.

There are no votes in appeasing the #LyingHarlotMedia or seeking their approval. To those shadowy elites pulling strings to pursue power for its own sake: learn from infinitely better statesmen than those you've emasculated with your chronically failed strategies that government is won and held by leaders starkly differentiating themselves from the Labor/Green leftists, statists, globalists, Marxists and "moderates".

The media will hate them. The polls will punish them.

And then they will win.

The only "right side of history" is those that can learn history's lessons and fearlessly fight for freedom, Truth and justice. Do that, and win.

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