Barack Obama and Joe Biden proclaimed themselves to be the antichrist?

1 year ago

See my disclaimer at the bottom.

Both Barack Obama and Biden, who is controlled by Shadow President Obama, Have proclaimed their number in 2020 to be 3033, if you divide 2020 by 666 you get 3033 in a repeating loop. The book of revelation says that the dragon, the antichrist, and the false profit are the three figures of the tribulation. The dragon remains in the shadows and gives his power and authority to the beast, who is the public figure, while the false profit is the one actually getting stuff done for the figurehead at the behest of the dragon in secret.

So I would wager that Satan is flitting around between Obama and Biden, that Obama is the dragon, that Biden is the antichrist, and that some super atheistic Religious figure such as Elon or Bill Gates or Dr. Yuval Harari is or will be the false profit, the high priest of the satanic demonic atheistic antichrist religion and all further religious developments that are going to be incorporated into it.

Disclaimer: I could be wrong but we’ve never seen such a powerful world figure openly portray a 666 before, not even in a mathematical algorithm or equation. The patent for the Covid injections is also 60606. These recent Democrats have also passed legislation number 666 and 60606. I don’t see that there’s a temple of God in Jerusalem right now, and there needs to be a departure, a rapture according to second Thessalonians and Jesus Christ himself. I think we see all the apostasy that we need in these woke liberals and then however many worldly sleepy relevant Christians are going along with them neutrally and not caring, but that’s less than I expected. I would say that it’s possible the local liberalism is the apostasy. Now we need to be looking forward to a rapture of the church which is all the people that God is gathering together under himself right now.

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