Let's Play - Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road part 6

1 year ago

Episode 2: The Presence of Darkness (Hermod)

We're now in Wonderland and we heard some intruders have been put in a tyrannical queen's court trial. Those intruders turn out to be our friends. We go save them and see that there's darkness in the queen's heart.

Kingdom Hearts: Union χ is a mobile game app on the Apple store and the Google store.

Check me out on these sites:
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/RedDragonette
For my older playthroughs - https://rumble.com/c/c-1046941
Odysee - https://odysee.com/@RedDragonette:1

Also, check out my artworks and fanfics here: https://buzzly.art/~Red%20Dragonette and https://www.weasyl.com/~reddragonette

Tags: KHDR, Square Enix, Disney, mobile game, gaming, RPG, medals, pay-to-win, pay to win, JRPG, iOS, Android, Fire OS, Red Dragonette, walkthrough, playthrough, Xehanort, Eraqus, Hermod, Bragi, Vor, Urd, Ephemer, Skuld, Ventus, Brain, Cheshire Cat, White Rabbit, Queen of Hearts, ferry reaper, card soldiers, you can't see the boss battle because I already did it, kangaroo court, subjects fear her, what am I?, strange order, ruler of the court, unknowing darkness, dark presence, hooded man, cloaked figure, memories, flashbacks, future scene, four years later, off-sounding trumpet, Wonderland,

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