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#sing4freedom 3-20-22 #justice4J6

2 years ago

James McGrew (J6er)

Every night, fellow Patriots who carry the burden as J6 political prisoners, find the resolve to raise their voices as one to sing our beloved National Anthem. Their resolve is not in vain. Their hope is not in vain. Join us in solidarity to strengthen their spirit and bring awareness to their cause with one voice, one song, under God, until they see justice. Post and share on social media a recording of you singing the National Anthem at 9pm ET with the hashtag #sing4freedom. To our fellow Patriots, not one night will go by when you are alone. WRWY.

Join us on Telegram at t.me/Sing4Freedom

To write our Patriot Political Prisoners please go to Patriotmailproject.com
Info will be updated each Sunday so please check back regularly to make sure you have the correct addresses.

I can be found here:

Main: https://t.me/Pi_An0n
Chat: https://t.me/Pi_Anon_Chat
Campaign: https://t.me/Sing4Freedom


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