Late in Life Virgin Waiting for the Right One

2 years ago

Growing up, Sonali was not allowed to socialize, meaning she could not have any sleepovers, she couldn't date, no prom, and no dorming in college. After graduating college, she refused to allow her parents to arrange her marriage, which is traditional in her culture. She had her first kiss at age 26 and remains a virgin.

Sonali Chandra was born and raised in New Jersey to parents from India.

In the beginning of 2020, Sonali was a contestant on the game show, “Funny You Should Ask” and she has also appeared on “The Price is Right.”

She was then interviewed on “The Dr. Phil Show” in December 2020 to talk about her confusion surrounding why the men that date her leave her after they find out she is a virgin.

She is here today to talk about her dating experiences, her take on Indian culture, dating norms, and expectations, and her thoughts on the societal pressures of sex.

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