Change Your Life With Journaling - 4 Lessons On Journaling From Einstein

2 years ago

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There is a critical habit that, if you start using it, can dramatically improve your life.
What is the common practice among geniuses like Martin Luther King, Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Mahatma Gandhi, and so on?
I will not make you wait for the answer…
The answer is they all had journaling habits.

That's why read to the end because I will share with you four essential tips and takeaways from Einstein's journaling habit and how you can use it in your daily life, improve it, and change it positively.

The first thing I want to share with you regarding journaling and Einstein's habits is not about a severe part, because if you think about Einstein, you think about a genius creating physics formulas and so on.

But let's look at it from another angle and see how Einstein combines his sophisticated mind and physics habits with playing because play and a play state can help you relax your mind and think creatively about the world, nature, and so on.

So journaling can be used to be creative and to be playful.
For example, when I studied Einstein's journals, I figured out that sometimes he took a break on some pages, solved some puzzles, or drew pictures.
And these pictures and relaxation in his journal helped him to unplug his mind.
And new, fresh ideas came so he could express them…

And this is a tip you can also take for your journey and your benefit: not be too serious about work…
Because right now, the world goes a little crazy about all the productivity and all the hard work you need to do.
Of course, achieving big dreams and excess positions, which were not possible before, in your life is crucial, but this relaxation and playful state can help you achieve it much faster.
That's because your brain can't be all-time in the form of pressure…
When you think about how you can use a journal to draw and play in it and maybe play musical instruments or play with the ball…
Or do some sports outside and so on that can relax you and help you to achieve your work goals much easier and faster.

So let's move to the next step.
And the following suggestion is that journaling can help you stick with your hard work for longer.
Let's say, for example, you want to write a book or a poem or draw a beautiful drawing, or you are a photographer that needs to capture that particular moment, or you are creating a video course or YouTube video… or any other creative work.
So then you need to stick with this work for an extended period.
And Einstein is an excellent example of this.
Because if you study his Zurich notebook, it's a beautiful piece of inspiration for you.
Because Einstein had been developing his ideas for years.
It took him like 10 years to publish his theory of relativity.

It took him years to draw different formulas, thoughts, and conclusions of his thinking in his journal in his notebook.
And he can be an inspiration for you…
Especially when your ideas need to take a lot of time for execution.
Because great things don't happen overnight.

From Einstein's journaling, you can learn how to incorporate deep work into your life because deep work right now is rare.
People have very low attention spans.
That's why they can't concentrate on one task for a long time.
And journaling can help you establish this habit of focusing on one thing for a long time.

Let's say I have a big dream.
I want to create something outstanding, like writing a 200 pages book.
I can't write this book in one sitting.
But if I have a journal to track my progress, I can reward myself for doing this.
For example, I habitually write my wins in my journal.
This wins tracking helps me to write what wins I had on this particular day.

If I wrote two pages of my book this day, then in the evening before going to bed, I write down in my journal:
“I wrote two pages. And I am a winner!”
And I track this progress.
The next day I wrote 10 pages.
The next day I wrote one page because I was distracted or had some problems in my life.
So every day, I track the day's wins for my goal…

And this will help you tremendously, too, if you take this advice from Einstein, me, and other successful people and incorporate it into your life.

To wrap up this tip, I will quote Albert Einstein.
He said:
“This is not that I'm so smart. The difference between other people and me is that I stick with problems for much longer.”

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