Powerful Magnesium Benefits for Health & Performance | Natalie Jurado @ BeRootedIn

3 years ago

Magnesium is one of the most neglected and underrated minerals -- largely because it isn't flashy. However, magnesium is an essential nutrient that your body can't do without. Magnesium deficiency is known to cause:
- Sleep issues
- Heart problems
- Anxiety
- Depression

And much more.

Optimal magnesium levels support:
- Muscle building and athletic performance
- Nervous system health
- Detoxification
- "feel-good" neurotransmitter production
- Mood
- Hormone production
- Stress relief
- Cardiovascular health

But it's not equal.

Many popular forms are not absorbed well and are useless. The best forms of magnesium include:
- Magnesium glycinate (sleep)
- Magnesium malate (energy)
- Magnesium chloride (pain and soreness)
- Magnesium sulfate (anti-stress and relaxation)

In this video, Natalie and I discuss the health benefits of magnesium, how it can help you be happier and healthier, and what kind of magnesium supplement may be best for you.

Meet our guest
Natalie Jurado is the founder of Rooted In, a line of therapeutic magnesium-infused moisturizers that actively calm and relaxes your mood. She is a sought-after thought leader, educator and speaker and has worked at the forefront of the wellness industry for over 8 years. She’s considered an expert in all things magnesium and her mission is to spread awareness of this powerful mineral to all who struggle to live their most vibrant lives.

🔑 Key Takeaways
- This mineral is used in over 600 biochemical processes in the body
- An Epsom Salt bath is a quick, easy, and cheap way to see if magnesium will help you feel better
- Up to 85% of doctors visits can be attributed to magnesium deficiency
- Magnesium benefits dozens of serious health conditions and also improves performance and recovery in the healthy
- Virtually everyone is deficient, the RDA is half of what it should be, food labels grossly overestimate magnesium content in food due to nutrient-depleted farming, and anti-nutrients in "health" foods block the body from using the magnesium

🔗 Links
- Full episode show notes: https://mindbodypeak.com/20
- Nick's magnesium supplement buyers guide: https://outliyr.com/best-magnesium-supplements-review
- Music by Luke Hall: soundcloud.com/c_luke_hall

Do you have questions, thoughts, or feedback for Natalie or me? Let me know below and one of us will get back to you!

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