What Causes 🦋 Hypothyroidism / Hyperthyroidism 🦋 from a Law of Attraction Spiritual Perspective?

2 years ago

I have hypothyroidism and wanted to do a video on why that may be. There are plenty of videos on the physical causes of thyroid dysfunction. This video is about the law of attraction or the spiritual nature of the issue.

The thyroid helps to regulate energy. If you feel like you need more energy, the body can work to get you more using the thyroid. If you feel like you don't have enough energy, you can manifest hypothyroidism. Your body basically says, "You're right, you don't have enough energy" and then slows down.

Attracting Dis-ease 00:00
Blindspots With An Ongoing Issue 2:00
Opportunity To Show Mastery 3:30
German New Medicine 4:08
My Chiron Natal Report 12:00
Teal Swan's Advice 21:55
My Old Diagnosis 23:23
My Prescriptions 24:40
GNM & Chiron Report 26:53
Conflicting Reports on Food 29:00
Confront Your Issues 30:10
Afterglow 31:13
Outro 31:40

AfterGlow Download Link: https://invites.afterglow.place/asabovebelowloa

Law of Attraction, Diseases and The German New Medicine vs Germ Theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3ERj7yjkwg

The Body (And The World) Was Designed To Heal Itself https://asabovebelowloa.com/the-body-and-the-world-was-designed-to-heal-itself/

German New Medicine Thyroid Page https://learninggnm.com/SBS/documents/thyroid_parathyroids.html

How To Find The Root Cause of Your Illness or Ailment - Teal Swan (Hebrew Subtitles) https://youtu.be/paQi9YA9aqs

Allergies (what causes allergies and how to cure them) - Teal Swan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLwy2pYV9Qw

My Chiron Natal Report was from TDJacobs. https://www.tdjacobs.com/products/natal-reports/#chiron


The Drama of It All (Substack on the Drama Triangle): https://dramaofitall.substack.com/
As Above / Below LOA (Substack on the law of attraction): https://lawofattraction.substack.com/

Hacking Your Life Gab Group: https://gab.com/groups/19182
Hacking Your Life Minds Group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1196078422422245376/feed?referrer=asabovebelow
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Hacking Your Life Telegram Group: https://t.me/hackingyourlife

As Above / Below LOA Life Coaching: https://www.asabovebelowloa.com
Leaves of the Tree Healing the Nation with Good Vibrations: https://lothealing.com

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