Silly Anti Gun, Hoplophobia Emails - Progressive Voter Turnout Silly Email.

2 years ago

And another stupid email from these groups bites the dust. I wonder how much these writers get paid to type up these emails that are so full of silliness and lies. No Biden, how about you leave gun rights alone and stuff it already? There's still no such thing as an assault weapon and it is a made up term meant to scare people into being afraid of things they shouldn't be afraid of. Anti gun nitwits truly are some of the worst out there and really need to disappear already. Nothing but a bunch of coercion obsessed, megalomania induced control freaks of nature that really need to just stuff it already and quit it with their grifting and virtue signaling. Anyone with even a miniscule amount of common sense knows these freaks don't want to save any lives and simply just want control, power, blind obedience and compliance of the masses. Everyone has to die in order for anyone to give up their natural, granted at birth rights. These same groups also tried to grift and make money off of peoples' insecurities when it came to the face diapers and Covid shots. The country is filled to the bone with sheep, lemmings, real life NPCs, subordinates, willful peasants, willful proletariat and the like and I'm supposed to come together and sing Kumbaya with these ninnies? Yeah, no thanks. I'd rather have a gallon of acryllic paint poured all over me and then rolled around in wensleydale cheese and extra virgin olive oil. Anti gun nitwits and company are the worst.

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