20220906 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

Another holiday weekend is marred by deaths.
I'm Peter Serefine, and this is today's Liberty Minute.
Two dead in Norfolk, three shot in Brooklyn, and seven dead are among the 46 shot in Chicago over the holiday weekend.
Some will say we need gun control to stop mass shootings, but not so fast, gun grabbers.
Gun control didn't stop the ten dead and 15 injured in the mass stabbing events in Canada over the weekend.
Guns are tools, just like knives, and also just like knives, they can be misused for evil. In fact, so can household chemicals, cars, fertilizer, prescription drugs, and many other things we use every day.
We need to focus on the real problems, criminals, and evil. Fixing the morality of society will do more to stop the violence than taking away a tool.
Find more news and commentary at liberty-lighthouse.com
Until tomorrow, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum

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