Did I Choose Wrong? | $BITF

2 years ago

As much as I want to contain most videos into 10 mins or less, for this I couldn't. There's simply too much to chew into and uncertainty for Bitfarms. I don't know if Emiliano or any of the heads at Bitfarms would even want to sit down with me but these are only some of the looming concerns but my socials are below, feel free to reach out.

#hyperinflation #investing #marketcrash #stocks #trading

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The chance of you running into me to argue your feelings as facts are high if you check out these streamers:



0:00 - Disclaimer
0:05 - Intro
1:00 - Who is Bitfarm and What Do They Do?
2:22 - Bitfarm Mining Update
4:32 - Quebec Expansion and Argentina 210MW Facility
6:02 - Bitfarm's Claim of 1% of The Entire Hash Rate
6:25 - Why Am I Concerned?
7:11 - Cashflow Concerns And Dilution
9:52 - The Trouble With Mining Near Towns, The Sherbrooke Issue
10:28 - Uruguay Update A Possible Future Sherbrooke
11:39 - Argentinian Power Issues, Renewable Solutions, and Climate Choice For Their Miners
14:02 - Mining Costs A Little Steep and "Low Cost" Seems Deceptive
15:03 - Final Thoughts and Opinions: Fed's Allowing Inflation, Low Cost For Who, Infrastructure Idea (Enjoy my free idea), Too Little On Risk Diversity and Cost Reduction

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