"anti-NWO" Putin is a Trap

1 year ago

Supporting "anti-nwo" Putin is a trap. Putin is just saying the things western people want to hear: stories of sovereignty and anti-nwo talk, to gain favour. Ukraine was a genuine breakaway from russia, and has a pro democracy, pro-anti-corruption president. The "right" has been infiltrated by communists, and for 15 YEARS has been pumped with pro russian, anti Ukraine propaganda in preparation for this invasion. If Ukraine is destroyed, "the right" will be labelled as Putin supporters and will be destroyed. The West has some bad actors, but communism has worse actors, and they play the Long Game.

To be clear A1C1P didn't post this to say "Putin bad, support Ukraine"...Both sides are part of the game.

2:33 support for putin.
7:12 ukraine naz1s?
12:11 right infiltration.
14:11 support for putin on the right is a bait and switch.
15:00 pro communist left.
21:32 labs ?
22:23 naz1s are in every country, not just Ukraine.
24:21 biden commie ties.
25:11 church stealth infiltration by commies.
28:10 marxist class privilege -> white.
32:52 endgoal (**destroy constitution based on GOD law).
37:30 why USA is important (**also because of LAND jurisdiction).
39:41 people are waking.
42:16 share

https://www.trevorloudon.com/ https://keywiki.org/ https://www.youtube.com/c/ManInAmerica/videos


A1C1P on rumble and bitchute

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