5 - Red Pill Prescriptions

2 years ago

Episode 5 of UotUs finds the Unknowns in more serious mood swapping their personal red pill realisation moments. These include 9/11, wise parental and teacherly advice, Michael Crichton's State of Fear, cryptocurrency, taxation (as theft), podcasts, unexpected libertarian books, unjustified foreign wars, Alex Jones, Monica Perez and just plain old contrariness. These can wake up everyone from Republicans who vote for Bush 1.0 and Bob Dole (whether as an adult or as a seven year old), to an Obama supporting Democrat.
The group then grapples with what to do about normies. Do we ignore them, mock and ridicule them (even if your boss forbids that), or patiently explain that putting a shirt over your face is not going to prevent viral infections as well as a professional grade respirator?
There follows a brief excursion into the world of advertising where we ponder why Alaskan Airlines is doing a non-safety safety dance. And just who exactly is the target of Target?
Finally we fully expect and hope that our well-adjusted kids will inherit the earth in their own rural versions of The Toonstead, surrounded by good neighbours, chickens, stored food and carrier pigeons. Oh and guns and ammo of all calibres to keep at bay the Ill-prepared, city-dwelling lefties. Suffer not the children, who will know that chaos is not a black pit, but a ladder. And here endeth the lesson...
Useful links:

Swipe Right Rehab – Jackye’s other podcast, co-hosted with her friend Gianna on the perils and pitfalls of online dating.
The Propaganda Report, with Brad Binkley and Monica Perez - our founding father and mother, and the hosts of great and informative podcasts.
The Union of the Unwanted– freewheeling discussions between an ever-changing group of like-minded podcasters; the inspiration for our format and name.
We don’t really do social media as individuals: we are Unknowns after all. But you can contact our group via:
Twitter - @UnionUnknowns;
Email – unionoftheunknowns@gmail.com;
Phone - 404-482-3130

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