Healing Knees with stem cells at Dream Body Clinic

2 years ago

www.dreambody.clinic (833) 445-9089 info@dreambodyclinic.net facebook.com/dreambodyclinic
Hi, it´s Josh Dream body clinic. This is a returning patient that we did both her knees. She had really great success before, and she wanted to come back and just get her knees feeling perfect. We put 25 million stem cells into each knee. That's going to get in there and target inflammation and guide cellular regeneration. If there's torn meniscus, torn ligaments, torn tendons, or arthritis, these are things that can be regenerated by stem cells, and they don't necessarily regenerate it because they don't become anything. They guide the cellular regeneration via what it's called the paracrine effect. They send out different signals that guide the body to heal the proper way.
The big thing is getting rid of the scar tissue. Scar tissue always gets in the way. It's how the white blood cells heal. And as we get older, that's our main method of healing. The stem cells are how we healed when we were a little kid, but we lose 90% of them. Usually for women around age 18 men aged 21, and we just don't heal the way we did.
So, by getting millions of stem cells in there, we're able to heal the way that we used to give things back. And in most cases, it's a one treatment and done sort of situation. I did my knees five years ago and healed them multiple meniscus tears torn ACL on my right knee. And now pain-free no issues. So, we did this for all the different joints.
We see a lot of people have back problems, knee problems, hip problems, shoulder problems, all of them can be healed the same light with stem cells. So, give your body a chance, avoid surgery, you know, avoid having to take different pills to mask the pain in different things. You know that the healthcare systems have been.
They're just trying to take care of symptoms, not underlying causes, fortunately, with where we're at here in Puerto Vallarta, we can do this the right way, the legal way, and in a way that helps you to heal and avoid those complications. So, get ahold of us. Would you free consultations? If you call 833 445 9089 or check out our website, www.dreambody.clinic
I'm Josh. Happy to help.

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