Fair Trade, Shade Grown [DEMO]

2 years ago

Demo song for Chapter 12 of The Blackbird Variations


Lyrics (yes, they’re original—and not sponsored)

Fair trade, shade grown
Roasted three blocks from your home
Shipped in sacks from Africa
Hispanic lands and Sumatra
Each cup is crafted carefully
All our milk is hormone free
And if you don’t care for dairy
We also offer milk from beans

Fair trade, shade grown
And for your dog a biscuit bone
Our flavored syrups ultra-pure
Evaporated cane sugar
And if you’d like a pastry
We get ours from French bakeries
Except for these delicious pies
They’re made by That One Bearded Guy

Fair trade, shade grown
Our café, your second home
And if you must use your cell phone
Kindly use conversive tones
We offer highspeed internet
(Don’t use it for your bit torrent)
Yes we compost, recycle
As marked on these receptacles

Fair trade, shade grown
Succulent, velvety foam
We’ll top your latte with a heart
Or if you’d like, some abstract art
We’re here before the sun is up
Especially to fill your cup
And if you’d prefer the decaf
We promise you we will not laugh…
Fair trade, shade grown!

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