基督徒应该赚多少钱?(WarningThePeople )How Much Money Should a Christian Make?

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/InihZ1QR1hw

2022年9月6日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople

油管频道Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/warningthepeople







How Much Money Should a Christian Make?
As disciples of Jesus, we want to excel at whatever we do, whether it is being a student, or in the workplace, our career/vocation or at home, whatever we do we want to do as unto the Lord. And we want to do it in such a way that it is pleasing Jesus Christ and that it is all about HIM and His Kingdom. Now, obviously we know what Jesus said about the rich man; that it is harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. (Matt 19:24) And clearly there are a lot of Christians who serve MONEY, that think they are entering God’s Kingdom when they aren’t. But, there is another group of people who will condemn you if you are holding down a job, you have a career, if you are obtaining your college education. They will look down and you and say; “Well, you shouldn’t finish college, you shouldn’t do a good job in school, you shouldn’t be making as much money as you are, because you are going to limit/eliminate yourself from being able to enter the kingdom of God…” These sorts of people think that you should be/become homeless, that you should just sell your house and you should have a lower education. BUT, the poor person and the rich person alike will not enter the Kingdom of God without TRULY holding Jesus’s hand and being in submission to Him. Likewise, the educated person and the uneducated person alike will not enter the Kingdom of God if they are not holding Jesus’s hand and living according to the Holy Spirit. The key here is KNOWING JESUS and HIM KNOWING YOU. If you are with right standing with Jesus, then walk with Him without listening the accusations of Satan. Do the best you can in your area of expertise, do the best you can at your job or in school. Wherever you are, wherever God has placed you in the world, do it to the best of your ability, but don’t serve Mammon. (The debasing influence of material wealth, also the name of a demon) As disciples of Jesus we don’t serve money, money is not our God. And our goal is not for people to praise us in the world. Our goal is to serve Jesus Christ and to please Him, to live for Him with ALL of our heart, soul, mind and strength. What you need to do is look at yourself and ask yourself; “Who do I really serve, who do I really obey?” and “What is my end goal? Is my end goal to serve Jesus Christ? Or is my end goal to serve myself?” If you are honest with yourself and with God then you will know which way you are going. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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