This man speaks for tens of millions of Americans demonized by Joe Biden.

1 year ago

This man speaks for tens of millions of Americans demonized by Joe Biden.

"Mr. President, I am also a conservative republican, or what you have recently labeled a MAGA republican. Over the last few days, you have looked into the camera and called me and millions of other people like me extremist. You have told me and my children that we do not matter to you because of our beliefs...

We are MAGA because we want to restore the promise in the hearts of our children where this is the place that their efforts will be rewarded and their true potential can be realized.

We are MAGA because we believe in freedom of speech, the freedom to exercise our religion, we believe in limited government and the rule of law.

We are MAGA because we love our Constitution and believe our Founders established a means for we the people to defend it from enemies both foreign and domestic."

What does MAGA mean to you❓

1. No new wars
2. Limited foreign aid
3. America first trade policy
4. Bring manufacturing home
5. Cheap gas & electricity
6. Close the border
7. Defund administrative state
8. Deregulate small/med biz
9. Lower taxes
10. Constitution & freedom

There's nothing extreme about the MAGA agenda.

What's extreme; seven middle east wars, trade deals that closed down 70,000 American factories, skyrocketing the price of gas & electricity, sending other countries billions in aid while millions of Americans are homeless, not having a border, censoring millions of people, an unelected administrative state targeting President Trump and his supporters, and lastly, spending half your days working to pay the taxes that fund it all.

That's extreme.


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