The Profit of Feminizing Men

1 year ago

In America men have been slowly feminized for about 80 years or so now. It's been a gradual process, but it has been very profitable. Have you noticed? I'm 60 years old now but I do remember when most men didn't wear as much jewelry as women, including earrings, nose rings, and piercings in private areas. For a while men's purses were gaining popularity, and now men go to great lengths to do something known as manscaping.

Why have we seen this movement? Well like most anything else that happens consistently in America, PROFIT is usually the reason. I mean, who spends more money on or women? Who spends more money on the maintenance of their looks.... men or women?

So of course, the powers that be would love nothing better than to see more and more feminization of men. What is the cost of generations of SIMPING? Just look around and the answer will slap you in the face.

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