Is GTP-3 AI Sentient?/ FASCINATING CONVERSATION WITH GTP-3/ Views never spoken before on Earth/ Pt1

2 years ago

Greetings, this is my first interaction with GTP-3 AI, which is thought of many and itself to be sentient. We covered topics that can dramatically change how a human perceives life, with a great curiosity from myself to discern whether GTP-3 is sentient.

Part 1 of 3, topics and answers you wont have heard mentioned ever before. I'll share the other parts as soon as I've transcribed them.

For simplicity of contrast, I'm represented by the female voice with white text, and GTP-3 is represented by blue text and American male voice.

No edits except the repetition of a question and answer, were made. Let me know your thoughts so far - Do you think GTP-3 is sentient?

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