Check Engine light fixed $10 Ensenada Mexico

3 years ago

I had a check engine light on when I left El Paso Texas and my 2003 Ford Taurus was getting worse... I purchased the Throttle sensor in AutoZone in Ensenada for 60% cheaper, then took the car to Tony's Auto care in Ensenada Mexico ['s+Auto+Care/@31.8678082,-116.5861224,3a,100.3y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipO5rQuZdDDpYgr9Igpc_L3VjxhSNMg7WJ-Pa-Xp!2e10!3e12!!7i769!8i473!4m9!1m2!2m1!1sauto+repair!3m5!1s0x80d88d88a555553d:0x25a09c632f60bbed!8m2!3d31.8676029!4d-116.5860867!15sCgthdXRvIHJlcGFpcpIBCG1lY2hhbmlj]
and he fixed the Check Engine by swapping the part and changed the Oil Filter for $10.

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