Divider-In-Chief: A Message to MAGA Supporters and the Nation

2 years ago

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Last week was filled with speeches from both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. However, the most controversial and inciteful came from President Joe Biden. President Biden’s speech was received with mixed feelings from both the Democratic Party and his supporters. He stood in Philadelphia's historic site where the Declaration and the Constitution were born. However, the blood-red backdrop during his speech and his accusing of MAGA supporters of being dangerous and unpatriotic was very similar to Adolf Hitler’s call for the persecution of the Jews. This was how it began when the Nazis took over political power and control of the hearts and minds of its citizens. Are we on the brink of repeating history once again?
I am not going to vocalize my comments on the Biden Presidential Address, I will let the video speak for itself. I think no matter what I say, you need to hear for yourself the declaration of war against former President Donald Trump and the MAGA movement.
Is it possible those who opposed former President Trump were wrong about him when he told us that The Deep State and the corrupt politicians have brought our nation into Authoritarian and Socialistic Rule? You must decide. The truth needs to be exposed, but only “We the People” can ensure this happens. Get the truth out non-violently and use your power of the vote in November to save the Soul of the Nation.

#JoeBidenAuthoritarian Rule #JoeBidenMrMaGoo #Totalitarianism #ChinaJoe #CrookedHillary #GodSoros #January6th2021 #MAGAsupporters #PresidentDonaldTrump #NationalCrimeWave #HunterBidenLaptopCoverup #TheDeepState #PoliticalCorruption #AuthoritarianRule #FBICoverups #TheSouloftheNation

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