The Easiest and Best Diet in the World... ...How to lose weight without starving.

7 years ago

How to lose weight without counting calories or starving yourself. The best and easiest way to lose weight, become healthy, and feel better is not to diet, starve yourself, or follow some fad eating plan.

The "cliff notes" for this video can be found here:

The best way is to simply and slowly improve what you eat. The problem in America is not so much about how much we eat, but what we are eating.

Simply going on a diet plan may help with weight loss in the short run, but as soon as you quit the plan, you will simply regain the weight. Since most people are not up to the challenge of staying on the Atkins Diet, Weight Watchers, Low Carb Diet, Paleo Diet, etc. forever, then they are ultimately going to fail.
The key to healthy weight loss and sustained weightloss is to slowly improve your eating habits over the months and years. You may only lose 1-2 pounds a month this way, but it will stay off, you will feel better, and you won't have to struggle with it.
Be sure to stay off the scales. They will lie to you. Since your body weight can fluctuate 2 pounds a day the scale can not accurately measure your progress since it may only be a couple pounds a month.
The best way to lose body fat, is to make a decision to permanently change one bad eating habit at a time until you have transformed your diet to nothing but healthy food.
Start off by eliminating soft drinks, diet drinks, sodas, and sweetened drinks. This alone may cut your daily calories down by 500 to 1000 calories without having to give up any food. After a few months, that will no longer be hard to do. As a matter of fact you will probably lose all cravings for the sodas and actually prefer water. Now, giving up sodas is easy! Now that you have fixed that problem, time to moving on to carbs. Simply replace bad carbohydrates with good carbohydrates. Replace white bread with wheat bread. Replace white potatoes with sweet potatoes, and replace white rice with brown rice. Other improvements that you can make are as follows. Use only olive oil. Eliminate trans fats. Eliminate anything that is hydrogenated. Eat dessert no more than twice a week. Learn to eat at home. Eat out no more than twice a week. Limit sugar. Learn to shop at the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid the middle isles. Eat fruits and vegetables with every meal.
Follow these guidelines and by next year, you will have less fat, feel better, and be much happier with yourself. Best of all, you will be able to continue to be successful.

Recommended Reading: "Eat Right for Life" by Dr. Ann Kulze

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