What you need to know about all Diet plans

7 years ago

I am not a certified nutritionist or a doctor. I do have, however, 30+ years in the the health and fitness world. For those of you who support the calorie counting theories and various "diets", I am aware of the "science" behind these programs. At the same time I am aware of the people I see every day that have tried them and failed. The "formula" so to speak is of my own making from years of observation and years of dealing with people who have up and down weight issues.

The formula is simple age plus activity level plus eating habits equals your body fat percentage. Whereas calorie counters will argue that you find your magical maintenance calorie count, then any calories above add weight and any below subtract it. I have found this not to be the case in real world application. My belief is that within the DNA of every person is a preprogrammed level of body fat for any given combination of eating, activity, and age. Thus when you change one of those variables, your body immediately starts adjusting its body fat count to match what it is preprogrammed to be for that new combination. The transition to this new weight is what we see as weight-loss or weight-gain. When it completes the transition it is what people refer to as "plateau".
Now regarding age, you cannot to anything about that. However, you need to be aware it is a factor. As you age, you naturally put on more fat. This is especially true after your twenties. Thus each year, you need to either eat better or be more active to keep the same weight. I often hear people say they eat healthier and exercise more than they used to, but aren't as thin as they were in their twenties. That is exactly right. They are older. The real question is how much heavier they would have been had they not made these changes.
The next items are eating habits and exercise. Simply put, if you eat better and exercise more, than you will lose weight (or at least not gain as much as you would otherwise)
However, if you become less active and eat worse, you will gain weight.
One of the reasons it is important to understand the above is because that affects the way you view dieting. Too many people get on diets to lose x amount of pounds. When they do, the go back to normal. Of course as soon as they do, they start gaining weight. So, if you are not prepared to stay on some calorie counting diet for life, there is no since in starting one. The same is true for exercise. If your aren't planning to continue the exercise program indefinitely, then there is really no use in starting.
Although I will discuss in detail in future videos how to lose weight, I will share the best concept with you. Weight loss should be done gradually over time, by slowly changing your eating habits. Giving up soft drinks first. Then months later when you no longer miss them, making another adjustment. That way you are actually changing your habits and not having to starve yourself. Best of all, you will be able to continue what you start. The same is true for exercise. Start off slow by walking or doing something else you like. If you do it every day, you will begin to feel better and naturally become more active without having to kill yourself in the gym.


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