HE can make us into a new kind of soil. (Matthew 13:1-9)

3 years ago

And think about all HE has done.*

Battery died as I was wrapping up today, but in a way it gives a chance to dig into what I was speaking on. Signing off can seem as a memory act, I ask for HIS favour to be upon any and all, listening to this or not, that with it there we would all turn to HIM. As we will see later next week. (Probably Wednesday! ^.^) We will see what is given as we go. There is always something new to be found after all! just ask verse 52! ^.^

If you aren't fertile soil, if you have it stolen from you, or lose it when the heat rises, ask for deeper faith, if you really want it. But know this: Deeper faith comes with a need to release. This IS our GOD who says, "Take up your cross and follow me." AND "Come to me... and I will give you peace."
Stands to reason that to get the peace, we need to let go of "ourselves" long enough to see how we were always made to be, HIS wisdom and direction shining the way.

And please, I know I say this a lot, do -not- just take my word for it, go, dig into HIM, form your own relationship! Because my heart longs to see everyone to call upon The LORD. Trusting in The FATHER, The SPIRIT, and The SON, trusting in YHWH.

DIG into HIM and HE will *never* let you go!

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