China's Mega City Fighting Covid, Fires, Drought All At Once.

1 year ago

China's Mega City Fighting Covid, Fires, Drought All At Once.

Stong Chongqing is one way of describing its people. A city ravaged by a heat wave, fires, water shortages and a small outbreak of Covid all the same time.
COVID-19 is a significant public health emergency taken very serious in China. China's Zero Covid Policy has come under pressure from the international community, and many western media outlets have called the strategy draconian.

Chongqing is a sprawling municipality with over 32 million people. The city is recently dealing with a small outbreak of Covid Cases. Without hesitation, the local government mass tested millions of residents on August 24. The Zero Covid strategy continues to show its resilience. Over 180 countries have abandoned their Covid methods and now rely on simple measures like social distancing and minor mask requirements. Judging by the numbers in other nations, these measures come with consequences. Japan's numbers have skyrocketed in recent weeks.

Covid is not the only thing challenging the megacity of Chongqing. Since July 2022, the Yangtze River has been experiencing the worst meteorological drought since 1961. With a rare "reverse dry season in the flood season". On August 11, the Ministry of Water Resources launched a level IV emergency response to drought prevention in 6 provinces and cities, including Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Anhui. The water supply has been affected by drought. In Chongqing, the highest temperature reached an unprecedented 45°C. According to the forecast of the Chongqing Meteorological Observatory, in the next three days, most parts of Chongqing will continue to be sunny, hot and high temperatures, and the temperature will be 25-44 ℃.
The forest fire danger level in most areas of Chongqing is exceptionally high. There are more than 18 active fires in size and scale. Some fires are visible from the city as mountains surround Chongqing.

The strength of Chongqing is in the peoples. First line responders nurses, doctors, fire volunteers know their roles is this battle. The often unknown heroes are the good citizens and the young generation who all pull together to support each other. This city is bracing for a difficult week ahead. Having a city of strong people who have a history of rising to any challenge is somewhat refreshing in a time of great challenges.
Everyone is trying to win this battle against climate change and water shortages, including a pandemic. One city is up for the challenge , the strong city of Chongqing.

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