🔴LIVE: STREAM : The Co$t Of World Conflict | iChongqing | Reporterfy | PTE (AJ)

1 year ago

Join Alex Reporterfy & AJ (PTE) for an inside look at the cost of world conflict.

$14 trillion a year
Conflict and violence cost the world more than $14 trillion a year. That's the equivalent of $5 a day for every person on the planet. Research shows that peace brings prosperity, lower inflation and more jobs.

What is the price of peace?

Or put another way, how much better off would we all be in a world where armed conflict was avoided?

Around $14.4 trillion in 2019, according to the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) which crunched the numbers. That’s about $5 a day for every person on the planet.

To give some context, 689 million people - more than 9% of the world’s population - live on less than $1.90 a day, according to World Bank figures, underscoring the potential impact peace-building activities could have.

Just over 10% of global GDP is being spent on containing, preventing and dealing with the consequences of violence. As well as the 1.4 million violent deaths each year, conflict holds back economic development, causes instability, widens inequality and erodes human capital.

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