Don's Ozone + Stem Cell Herniated Disc Repair Treatment

2 years ago
19 (833) 445-9089
Hey, it's Josh dream body clinic. The patient here is a returning patient, he's up from the Northwest, and he was referred by one of our long-time patients Mikey. So the patient was having some back pain. We found after doing an MRI that he had some severely herniated discs. He did have a fusion in the past, which, you know, helped a lot of his back problems. But as we normally see with these back surgeries, they're kind of temporary fixes at best. And even then, they don't always get rid of all pain. In fact, a lot of times they end up causing pain because now you've ended up with a bunch of new scar tissue and different issues.
As you'll see here, we went into his back, and we went into the discs with ozone in the operating room. We did a Twilight sedation. With that you are still awake, but you don't feel anything. Orthopedic surgeons, we have two of them that do this procedure and an anesthesiologist in there to keep everything regulated with your nurses.
They go into the disc and inject ozone, which helps shrink the disc. When you got a herniated disc, imagine the vertebrae pressing in too close and like an ice cream sandwich it's coming out right there. We're going into that injecting the ozone, which interacts with the enzymes in the disc to help it shrink. Then right after, since we already have the needle in, we're able to put the stem cells. The stem cells will then over the next three to six months, start helping to regenerate that disc and bring it back to its normal size and shape, or at least as close as you can get back to with that. But the main thing is getting rid of that herniation.
The ozone treatment has been an approved treatment in Spain and in China, they've been doing it since 1980s. For whatever reason, they don't seem to want to do it in other places, even though it's a very highly effective. Minimally invasive procedure, especially when you consider the alternatives, which are just cut off that section of.
So that's a really great way to fix your. It's a way to do it so that you're not having to get like a major surgery, anything like that. In fact, you'll walk out of treatment after this procedure. If you'd like to learn more, you can get ahold of us at
You can scroll down the home page. You'll find the ozone plus stem cell treatment there for herniated disc. Just click on it, all the prices and fill everything's there. Or give us a call for a free consultation at 833 445 9089. I'm Josh, happy to help.

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