What kind of soil? (Matthew 13:18-23)

2 years ago

Don't take offense; there is none intended. Rather there is a request: If you aren't the kind of soil you want to be -almost typed soul rather than soil, yet both are the idea I'm getting at- go to The ONE who tends to the soil and makes it good for growing. Ask The Gardener to help you grow better. Ask The Potter to shape you. The LORD will tend to you; HE takes complete responsibility for lives that are completely HIS.
I'm still being worked on and learned how to be completely HIS; to take up my cross and die with HIM, losing my life and in form gaining it. It's very different from the ways of this world and looks nothing like the end result of the world's ways.
Even the explanation of parable today beings to mind the fruits of the SPIRIT: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It also brings to mind the parable we will cover tomorrow about the good farmer and HIS enemy. It also makes me think of the kinds of lives we can see this play out in. NOT TO JUDGE THEM, but to understand ourselves better and help them come to know what we do. After all, every saved person started as a "Baby-Christian" so why on earth would treat a growing child with hate and why in heaven would we hate the dead rather than showing them the source of all life. The enemy of this world is out to cause people to fall away, would it not be better to sow richly and often to share Who HE is and all HE has done in our lives.
Embracing the very thing GOD does for us, something we cannot do our selves, do not deserve, and can **NEVER** earn. [This being the biblical idea behind HIS loving grace] we become those who bear good fruit. In dying to ourselves we truly live. -10:39

The choice is this: If you aren't the kind of soil you want to be, are you going to let GOD shape and mold you or are you going to remain the same; in so proving you didn't actually want to change at all. Cause no, a tiger cannot chant its stripes. But the "tiger" in this case isn't the one changing the stripes, GOD is. And HE can do all things but fail. No matter who you are, where you are, where you are from, and what you have done, HE can change you, if you really want to, HE can and will. All of it born out of chasing after what we know to be pure.

As to the paper: Trying to dig and find it has been a pain. The OG paper I was thinking was from John Barrow but that was a bit ago. I find it interesting purely because it started me on the path of "Okay, so there is an external source" this not being within 100 miles of Christianity or any other kind of faith or religion.
I also don't think they are meant to answer each other's questions. Faith asks Who, Science asks how. When they try to answer each other's questions we end up with religion and I am sure at this point you are all aware of how I feel about that. [I am against religion in all forms and see it at best a broken clock and at worse a way of controlling and even enslaving a free and thinking mind.]
Dig into HIM, let HIM dig into you. Because my longing is that not only would we *all* come to call upon Jesus, YESHUA, be covered by HIS blood and be baptized in The HOLY SPIRIT, to have HIM dwell in us as we dwell in HIM. Without HIS Spirit we are only scratching the surface, never truly grokking it. After all, HE is the source of all wisdom so without HIM living and breathing in us as an active relationship we can't really understand it.

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