Two Point Campus #2 - Freshleigh Meadows #2 - Year Two, Two Star Hunting

1 year ago

Two Point Campus came out August 9th, 2022, and is a sequel to Two Point Hospital by SEGA. A goofy sim that puts the player in charge of running a university and dealing with filling student needs while budgeting.

I had a bit of malfunction in recording, so missed the first bit of year 2, but I recap what I did between the first video and the second. Not much was missed, a bit of clean up for the rooms, and reorganizing, but the second year is looking good. I get the students dorms looking a good bit better, improve the library and expand the main campus building a bit. Year two finishes with the second star just out of reach, but the hard work is done getting close to it, and in the third video I can see getting it out of the way early.

I've started a playthrough of Two Point Campus to kick off a competition with a friend of mine who runs McBillyBoy and is playing Rimworld just to see who gets more interest, which game draws more views, and to see who can keep producing videos in a timely manner. He's a few weeks ahead as I learned OBS, but won't let that stop me.

#Gaming #TwoPointCampus #Playthrough #SEGA #Commentary

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