Episode 46 - Part 3

2 years ago

Location: Stocked pond
Bait: Powerbait Honeyworm (*not a sponsor)
Rig: Weighted Float

I went to a new pond, at least a new pond for these videos, and had a blast. I had to split this video into 3 parts in order to show all the catches. This is a stocked pond, and usually, it is overstocked to accommodate the crowds in this area. However, those crowds tend to follow very specific schedules. I was able to go on a less crowded day. I also went earlier than most in the evening to ensure I had my choice of spots. This allowed me to fish in the center section of the pond. Thankfully it was a slow crowd night and only an older couple and a dad with a few young boys showed up to fish. I hope you enjoy the crazy amount of fish.

Part 3: The sun was down and lighting was becoming an issue. Still caught a few more and even chatted with one of my fishing neighbors a little. This is when I really uncovered the shift in how the fish were taking the bait. Earlier in the evening the fish were striking hard and diving down. This caused the float to quickly submerge indicating the bite. This was probably because of predators like the Osprey. The fish would quickly have to rise, strike the food, and dive again to avoid becoming prey themselves. Now, with far less light, the fish were able to swim close to the surface without fear of predators. They could swim right up alongside the bait, take it, and keep on gingerly swimming along. Thus, in the late evening, I was no longer seeing the float submerge. Instead, it was just moving along the surface. This prevented me from setting the hook as quickly and caused more fish to swallow the hook.

For the list of gear I use, check out:

For Wandering Idahoan Adventures, check out:

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