IV Stem Cell Therapy is Best for Overall Health and Anti aging

2 years ago

www.dreambody.clinic (833) 445-9089 info@dreambodyclinic.net facebook.com/dreambodyclinic
Hi, this is Josh during body clinic. And there you're going to see here is a couple that came down from Canada to get IV treatment. Um, you know, cause you, you start progressing through life. A lot of people start thinking about death and they want to prevent that. They want to keep healthy. They want to keep feeling good and a mesenchymal stem cell.
Ivy's a really great way to do it. Um, it will go through your body. It will target inflammation. It will guide the cells to heal the root cause of any inflammation. It's going to interact with your immune system to make sure it's working properly. We see tremendous success with autoimmune conditions and there's even some anti-aging benefits to it.
And the fact that the stem cells do like a triage of the cells, they come into contact with. And they, they checked it like, Hey, you're good to go. Now you're going to die no matter what, but you, you could use a little more juice and they've got these nanotubes that they'll actually attach to the cell and they can donate their mitochondria and mitochondria are the same in any type of cell.
So it doesn't matter where they came from the mitochondria get in there. It's like putting, you know, charging the battery up to full on that cell. And they go off. That helps you live longer. It helps to sell live. Everyone's feeling good. And they also can help extend the telomere length of certain cells.
They've so far proven it was six different types of cells. They believe it does it with more. It's just really tough stuff to measure because the telomere is what shows or allows a cell to replicate every time a cell replicates you lose a rung to the latter thing, like a DNA helix. He got the rungs on that 3d, you know, he looks ladder, you lose a rung basically.
And. With that you hit, what's called the Hayflick limit eventually after 50 or 60 replications, that silk can't replicate anymore. And it goes into what's called sense. And then it actually becomes a problem in the body starts sending out bad signals. It creates a cascading effect. So by extending telomere length, we theoretically should be able to live longer.
And if nothing. We want to live better. I mean, that's really our goal here at dream body clinic. We don't think we're to that point where, Hey, we're going to make you live longer. No, but we're going to make sure that whatever age you get to, you're going to be feeling really good. There you're going to be active.
You're going to be doing the things you like quality of life is what matters most. And that's a big part of a mesenchymal stem cell ID. It just increases quality of life. So if you'd like to learn. Get ahold of us. It's www.dreambody.clinic. You can scroll down, you'll see all the different treatments in IVs.
A lot of people for anti-aging we'll just do a hundred million for people kind of getting up there in age. Well, going higher is better. So in this case, these patients both did 300 million IVs and it works really well. I've personally done it myself. I've done every treatment. Um, if you want to ask more questions, you, you want to know what's going on.
Give us a call. It's toll free free consultation at 833 445 9089. And I'm Josh. Happy to help.

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