Ask and you shall receive! (Matthew 15:21-28)

2 years ago

Seems the one I couldn't remember what meant to be the title. Really rather fitting when you consider that the very nature of ask and you shall receive... is exactly what we see play out between JESUS, YESHUA, and our "Dear Woman" from Canaan. She sought HIM out, knocked constantly in trust [Knowing that HE is true to HIMSELF and HIS character.] and she received much! Her request, the freedom of her daughter from a demon tormenting her, granted so what her daughter was instantly healed in that moment.

What if we walk with the pure faith that trust there is we can move in a place of peace, even in heartache, going to The ONE who can and does set all things night and make all things new. Because HE has been and always will be faithful.

I will say as I wrap up this bit here, it is funny {not "haha" funny} that the one's who are in the middle of blessing upon blessing are trying to send a person in need away because the person is "an other" "an outsider" a "them/they" and yet.... after they ask HIM to send her away HE speaks about who the real children are. Food for thought; because when we are called to grow, and sometimes I wonder if we stopped being focused on judging who's the dog and instead live to chase after HIM and hope others will see the life we are living and have been given. Chase after and let HIM sort out who the children are and are not; granted we will see it from the fruits produced in a person's life... and one could and probably should argue that as we grow in HIM we can produce fruit that looks more like JESUS'S life. Where "them" are the one's who belong to a different father and aren't the focus; rather the focus is on those who are lost and still wrestling with Who HE IS to them.

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