Brad Barton Lets it Rip for His Love for America!! **Stop Being a Coward**!!

1 year ago

Enjoy the Best of Best Brad Barton from my Live WE The People Fight Back Event plus my CBJ Real News Podcast Show... and take note of this -> **Breaking News** My great fellow Warrior, HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Patriot Brad Barton are Transforming America!
and... (in case you do not know)

We are *2* of the Most Outspoken God Loving, Family Loving, Flag Loving, Capitalism Loving Patriots you may ever meet in your Life who ain't never backin' down!

We are committed to Transform America... (pay attention to what you about to read)!
Why? Real Simple...
We both know How to Create Wealth for People!
*Hence* My Middle Name Conservative **BUSINESS** Journal
Here's the deal as Brad would say...

The problem is that Conservatives are always begging for money to support Issues that they believe in such as local candidates who mostly get buried by establishment candidates...


So we are currently Building an Army of Conservative Patriot Millionaires around America who have said enough is enough...
it's time for me to go to the Next Level and Achieve My Personal Dreams and My Dreams for America!

Remember the Day and Time you're reading this, because when a Decision is Made MIXED with Commitment and a Proven Track Record of Wealth Creation, it will happen for you!

To be part of it, this is your first step...

Now, after reading that are You Interested in hearing what we are doing to Create the Army of Conservative Patriot Millionaires? To learn all about it Call or Text (561) 847 - 3467 with the words *Let Me Know* or send me an email to and we will send you a Quick Video..

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