Episode 45

2 years ago

Location: Stocked pond
Bait: Variety
Rig: Variety

The stocked pond was incredibly busy today. Usually, on days like this I just use the parking lot to turn around and head home, but today I decided to get in the fray and see what happens. I started with Powerbait Eggs and found some success, then I moved on to a Panther Spinner and had some success. After that, nothing was biting on anything I was serving up until I went back to a bottom rig with a Powerbait Honeyworm matched with a Powerbait Egg. Overall I spent 3.5 hours and had moderate success. Still a good day despite the crowded space.

The nice thing was that everyone was being polite, mostly, when it came to space. I had a few people come and crowd me to my right a little at one point. I understand the place was crowded and space was limited but the longest section of shoreline had only a couple people along it while my shortest section had several the entire time. Even the kids and teens were behaving well. That helped keep it pleasant.

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