Boebert Staffer Mocks Constituent Pleading For Solution To School Shootings

2 years ago

A listener tells his experience when calling into Lauren Boebert's congressional office. The listener's daughter had a horrific experience during a school lockdown and wanted to express concern about gun violence in the country and pleading with her to do something about it. The staffer just laughed and mocked him.

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Hello, this is David. Can you hear me? yes, David. what's on your mind? hey well, this is David from beautiful Durango Colorado. hey, I am from well I said Durango we're in the southern part of the state. I am part of Lowen Beaubert's district. Oh, I'm sorry. We can go on and on about that but none of that. but yesterday my son's eight and my daughter was four. and they went on lockdown yesterday at their elementary school. My son was crammed into the principal's office for 25 minutes. His new teacher is sitting there bawling. and The kids don't really know what's going on. and they're starting to freak out. even though they've had lockdown drills before. my whole point is that this nonsense has to stop. and I know you guys agree. because it's the biggest terrorist plots or terrorists in my country are our own people. It's like I am so sick and tired of having my wife cry. I have friends teaching at that elementary school. they're coming home to their husbands crying. and on the segway, I called Lauren Bobert's office this morning. and on the phone, I expressed my concern as a dad having my son and my daughter on lockdown you know. and basically, the young man who answered the phone scoffed at me. it's like they're just sick you know and I was like really trying to be calm because I could get really mean. you know because you know we all know Boebert just you know she does a great job of rising up the left. right and so I was like okay dave. David, you stay calm. be cool. be Fonzie. and the kid just starts going like.

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