Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi commissions I

1 year ago

“INS Vikrant is not just a warship. It is a testament to the hard work, talent, influence and commitment of 21st century India”

INS Vikrant is a symbol of indigenous potential, indigenous resources and indigenous skills: PM

Marking a departure from the colonial past, PM unveiled the new Naval Ensign, dedicates the Ensign to Chhatrapati Shivaji

Raksha Mantri terms INS Vikrant as a glowing symbol of an aspirational & self-reliant ‘New India’

“It is testament to our resolve to ensure the safety & security of the nation in the next 25 years”
INS Vikrant will protect the security & economic interests of the country: Shri Rajnath Singh
Posted On: 02 SEP 2022 12:02PM by PIB Delhi
Showcasing the country’s growing prowess of indigenous manufacturing and a major milestone in the path towards ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi commissioned the country’s first indigenous aircraft carrier Indian Naval Ship (INS) Vikrant at Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) on September 02, 2022.  During the event, the Prime Minister also unveiled the new Naval Ensign (Nishaan), doing away with the colonial past and befitting the rich Indian maritime heritage. He dedicated the new ensign to Chhatrapati Shivaji.
Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister said, here on the coast of Kerala, every Indian is witnessing the sunrise of a new future. This event is held on the INS Vikrant is a tribute to the rising spirits of India on the world horizon. He said that today we are seeing a manifestation of the dream of the freedom fighters where they envisioned a capable and strong India. The Prime Minister exclaimed “Vikrant is huge, massive, and vast. Vikrant is distinguished, and Vikrant is also special. Vikrant is not just a warship. This is a testament to the hard work, talent, influence and commitment of India in the 21st century. If the goals are distant, the journeys are long, the ocean and the challenges are endless – then India's answer is Vikrant. The incomparable Amrit of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav is Vikrant. Vikrant is a unique reflection of India becoming self-reliant.”
Commenting on the new mood of the nation, the Prime Minister said, no challenge is too difficult for today’s India. He said “today, India has joined those countries in the world, which manufacture such a huge aircraft carrier with indigenous technology. Today INS Vikrant has filled the country with a new confidence, and has created a new confidence in the country.” The Prime Minister acknowledged and praised the contribution of the Navy, engineers of Cochin Shipyard, scientists and specially the workers who worked on the project. He also noted the happy and auspicious occasion of Onam that is adding even more happiness to the occasion.
y Ministry of Defence to achieve the objective. These include setting up of defence corridors in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu; issuance of three positive indigenisation lists; earmarking of 68% of capital procurement budget for domestic industry; Defence Production and Export Promotion Policy 2020 and increase in FDI limit. He said, the aim is ‘Make in India, Make for the World’ and exports of more than $400 billion in the last year is a proof of this vision.
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