Keep your eye on the price of copper to flag up progress towards global recession and recovery

2 years ago

Forget about national governments talking down global recession risks. The markets, the bookies, are better at anticipating or reflecting the global economic risks and individual country risks.

Many leaders of countries try to pull the wool over their own citizens eyes. Money speaks the truth, is an emotional and doesn’t care who wants to stay in power. However, the money makers often dictate who attends and loses power.

The leaders of countries are little more than puppets. Who is pulling the strings? They often grow drunk on the misperception of what is to be in power. Most of the leaders of countries have little more power than you and I. The real power in this world is always behind the throne, in the shadows and are happy to remain there.

However, the financial markets can be the best flags to warn you of your future wealth or poverty. The financial markets however should not be used to guide your investment strategy. They just give you a peek into the future or help you to understand better where are you have just been thus providing lessons for the future.

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