Pray and fasting. [GOD of buts.] (Matthew 17:21, Isaiah 58, Mark 9:29)

2 years ago

There is a focus issue as of late that I think we need to address and call out because in the religious side of thing we are seeing in a lot of places a repeat of what GOD was calling out in Isaiah's time. And when we have The Truth-Made-Flesh telling us there is a different way to do things, perhaps it is time we actually listen and live a life that is devoted to The LORD and not to ourselves. Because I know the struggles are real, I know our GOD is more real. I mean we relish and rejoice when there is a But, GOD moment, then why would we think any but in the bible would direct to anything other than knowing that HE is greater and we can walk in trust and in peace knowing HE is greater. We call HIM the Prince of Shalom do we not? Especially in this season. Well then why not rejoice in the truth of HIS Shalom. We trust that JESUS is the Prince of peace, wholeness, completeness, that is Shalom after all; so why would we not take rest in knowing that HE will make us whole, all we need to do is let HIM; by coming from a place of trust and faith: HE IS GOD, we are not, so why wouldn't HE know every need and be moving on them before we ask, as YESHUA said our ABBA would and does.

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