Faith to... [Enjoy a real relationship and see] (Matthew 17:14-20)

2 years ago

Three disciples are invited up and get to see the transfiguration; having a moment of blessing to see Who YESHUA, JESUS, really is. Down at the bottom of the hill others are struggling with a demon possessed boy who's father seems to have lost all hope; but holds out enough to ask HIM anyway -as Mark tells it, enough to even own how much unbelief was there- and the beauty of it? GOD not only saves and heals HIS son but works in the unbelief. How often have we been in the same place? When we believe HE really will and we ask HE will and does it. Every time giving a new memory, a new testimony, to say "GOD is in -this- place", "HE has saved me!" That kind of miracle power is not shown because it is deserved or earned, it's shown and given because GOD is true to HIS name and when HE says, "Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." HE means it.

I, for one, didn't always take HIM at HIS word. I believed one thing through, HE'S there and that was the start HE took to bring me to a place of peace, even in the storm. Walking on water can be a miracle, it can also be a metaphor for making it through the storms that are coming in from every side making it hard to question what is good, what is right, what is kind, what it is to even be a human in a world that is out to kill itself by killing each other out of this raw anger at an other that isn't understood. When in those places of what is going on, what do we do, where do we go, in times and place where hope seems far away and darkness is all around, almost like a drowning toxic sludge that threatens to fill the lungs and drown the soul, remember that the very last bit of us that remains when all has been stripped away is our character, our integrity, the muchness GOD gives us -when we lean into and Hold to HIM- that muchness, that other-spark that makes us all special and unique and yet so similar in bearing HIS image, that spark cries out to HIM, hold to your ABBA, let HIM be your ABBA by coming to CHRIST as Savior and King; because I promise you, when pop culture talks about lights in the darkness when all other lights go out. This, HIM, is The Light they are all stealing the expression from. The Light that the darkness tried to consume and couldn't. That LIGHT, HE, can live in you if you invite HIM in, The HOLY SPIRIT in, so do! I beg you to do so! If you are tried of the hate and the game and the silly way the world plays, leave the playing field and start with different rules; Love as we are loved; Forgive as we wish to be forgiven; love mercy; walk humbly with your GOD. Faith to... is right there, a relationship away, get into one, into The ONE and see life on LIFE'S terms. I do promise you one thing though, Once you are HIS... you will never be the same. As long as you keep moving forward, no mountain or giant will really be in the way.

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