President Trump & Joey Biden held Rallies in Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, PA the same Week!

1 year ago

President Donald Trump & Joey Biden held Rallies in Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, PA the same Week…This is Joey Biden’s Hometown!!! Notice the Crowd Difference!!!

The word is that Joey had to pay homeless people to help fill the empty seats at his rally in Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, PA… Biden said this is BS I had to do the thing when I was running for President!!! Remember the empty circles when he was running!!! They tried filling them with staff members and they still had empty circles!!!

President Donald Trump’s Rally was held at the Mohegan Sun Arena in Scranton/Wilkes-Barre with a Capacity of 8,300 People not including the Arena floor that was filled to Capacity!!! They installed Big Screen Monitors outside of the arena for the people that could not be seated in the arena so they could be a part of the Rally as well. Many of them drove hundreds of miles to be at the rally. These people are True Patriots!!! Some of the democrats are thinking what is a Patriot? (It’s a person who vigorously supports their Country!)

By the way DemocRats (MAGA) stands for (Make America Great Again)!!!

I know most DemocRats Hate America. They would Rather Live Under a Dictatorship! You may just get your wish one day, I hope NOT!

Joey Rally was held on August 30, 2022
President Donald Trump Rally was held on September 03, 2022

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