A Study of The Miracles of Jesus Part 3 | Ep. 18 | The Word Network

2 years ago

Unfortunately, there are many people in our churches today who are afflicted by demons and don't know how to get free. The good news is that Jesus still performs deliverance miracles today, just as He did when He was on earth! In this episode, Dr. Myles continues his powerful teaching on the miracles of Jesus by examining how He cast an unclean spirit out of a man and delivered him from demonic oppression.

Key Scripture: Mark 1:21-27

#francismyles #miracles #orderofmelchizedek

0:00 - Welcome
1:34 - KINGS 2022 Conference Preview
4:44 - Teaching
16:47 - "Dangerous Prayers From the Courts of Heaven" Book Offer
18:04 - Teaching
26:43 - "I Speak to the Earth" Teaching Preview
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Dr. Francis Myles is a multi-gifted international motivational speaker, business consultant, and apostle to the nations. He is the author of more than twenty books including "The Order of Melchizedek" and "Dangerous Prayers from the Courts of Heaven that Destroy Evil Altars".

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