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As You Wish Talk Radio

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Conversation about the Global Healers Summit September 8th, 9th and 10th with Jody Curtis, Anne Fernandez and Rochel R Rittgers.


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  • I get you not wanting to be around all the bs..unfortunately that is why we are here now. so important you do get away to rest and reset yourself because it is so easy to get caught up in their drama just by being on the planet. get your rest so you can be your beat. it is not clear to me why so many people are making money off of other people's suffering who are claiming to be healers when it is so clear they got caught up in the dark ways of money laundering too. this will only make sense to those who are in hearing what I see

  • Hi, Hi, Hiyaa!! Hi James!

  • Thank you beautiful people ❤️ for sharing your wisdom ❤️❤️❤️

  • Wow, that was the best spiritual teaching that I have ever heard. Thank you from the bottom of my soul!

  • WE LOVE YOU & The Whole ECETI Family! 🙏 ThankQ JAMES 💛🙏🙏🙏

  • THat’s a lot of introductions, with the word “authentic” thrown in to boot! Hope you are well, James, JM

  • hello James! So happy you are taking some critical “me” time in the sacred islands. With all due respect to the honored guests tonight, the ONLY person who can accurately enlighten you as to where you should be for the optimum in this life experience is YOU & your own inner wisdom, discernment, etc… Do your own research, use critical thinking & tune in to your OWN inner wisdom & Divine guidance that is unique to YOU… WAKE UP, everyone… the time is NOW. The TRUTH is out there! Find it… share it… red pill the planet.

  • something I realized years ago was the concept of filters . So I set out to do some filter cleaning . We all have several filters that have names on them like past life trauma ,unhealed wounds ,lack of self worth of self worth . In my process I found out Unforgivenes is the biggest one because anger , bitterness ,rage ,self loathing ,judgement ,self righteousness, bigotry and so many others . Forgiving everyone and everything most importantly yourself will eliminate most of those dirty filters . I've been challenging others to walk in forgiveness and lovingly giving tools to enable their Liberation . It was for me the single most important thing I've learned and from that I had a Quantum Leap forward in my Spiritual freedom and maturity . Hardly anything triggers me anymore and I'm the first one to ask others for forgiveness . Forgiveness allows me to look at myself with honesty . No more avoidance and the healing process is less painfully

  • Dear James I have been amazed but afraid of you. But more and more i see that your not ever going to crush me. Your only going to help me as long as I'm willing to get out of my own way. I will just say that i really think a lot of you. I used to li e in Hesperia, and knew Roy Rogers. You li ed where Roy Rogers lived and i suspect you and your Dad knew him. I liked him, he was kind. But this isnt about him. I came from an atrocious past. I'm a victim and and oppressor at the same time. I don't know anyone i trust more than you. I know your right on.

  • Such a good show thank you all, great wisdom and stories. Wishing you huge success at the conference. Love from the UK

  • The Queen Mother was a truly evil witch - all her family seem really twisted. Queen - I respect how everyone feels, she allowed stuff to continue. Charles will be different. Don't believe everything the media have said about him, he's genuinely a "sensitive". New King and a New PM for UK - means change coming. Did anyone else hear Charles' first message to the people? He used the no. 17 - 17!! He referred to being married to Camilla for 17yrs - that comment had no real place in the message, it was a deliberate mention of '17'

  • James, I love your bright color shirts when your in Hawaii. The bright colors set off your smile. I see why people say you look like a lion. I think you look like a viking.

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  • Love

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  • without James's help, none of you will ascend to the angelic realm. 😆

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  • Your conference sounds wonderful! I love the two ladies who are putting on the event, it will be biblical I'm sure, or not, whatever is preferred.

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