Let's be exceedingly careful to listen to the Holy Ghost

1 year ago

Romans chapter one: the three Give-Ups of God. Let's be careful to hear the voice of the Holy Ghost. God deals with individuals, groups, tribes, and nation states.
Only 8 people were rescued from the Flood.
Only 4 made it out of Sodom, and one of them failed the journey.
How many are truly watching for the Thief in the Night Coming of Jesus Christ in the Rapture?
Salvation, and repentance in general, belong to God Almighty Himself.
Bible, scriptures, God, Jesus, truth, Old Testament, New Testament, KJV, Lord, Holy Ghost, King James Bible, holiness, Jehovah, salvation, gospel, hope, faith, love, fidelity, church, prophecy, Holy Bible, Jesus Christ, preach, preachers, covenant, seven, numerology, ages, healing, pray, prayer, praying, preaching, religion, belief, missionary, pilgrim, sojourn, pastor, pulpit, churches, denominations, doctrine, reprobate, heretic, evangelist, textus receptus, churches.
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