Most powerful and accurate springer rifle today. 

2 years ago

A totally recoilless, spring piston airgun seemed little more than a dream before the recent appearance of the Model 54. In order to realize this goal the engineers spent years experimenting with different systems until they created this mechanical marvel. Simple but durable, the 54 uses a floating action riding on rails to achieve a totally recoiless system that stands up to the pounding of our 1100 fps system. Not only does this arrangement prevent transmission of felt recoil to the shooter, it also permits the rifle to excel in the accuracy department. When the rifle is fired, the action moves back lightly within the stock, absorbing the recoil, and permitting the pellet to exit the barrel before any of the spring vibration affects its travel. This system dramatically improves the accuracy potential of this magnum air rifle, making it a first class choice for either long range pest control or the precise demands of field target shooting. The RWS 54 Air King is a recoilless sidelever rifle based on the action of the RWS 48/52 series. By floating the action on rails- RWS takes the rifle's powerful recoil and significantly reduces the amount you feel. It also enhances accuracy- because the pellet exits the barrel before spring vibration is transmitted to it.

Our .177-cal. RWS 54 Air King has the TO5 trigger. The .22-cal. model has the TO6 trigger. Both are 2-stage adjustable triggers and have an excellent reputation.

thank you

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