LITHIUM and LONGEVITY | Improved MOOD | key ingredient in tribes with LONGER LIFESPAN | ANTI TOXIN

2 years ago

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Lithium, a naturally occurring mineral found in the earth’s lithosphere, is one promising element for boosting longevity.

Lithium has been proven to have benefits in removing toxins from the body. It also plays an important role in maintaining cardiovascular health. However, its effects on mortality are still not well understood.

Few studies have been conducted to explore the effects of lithium on longevity.

Lithium is a trace element found in some mineral water, soil, plant and animal tissues. It has been linked with improved moods and also linked to increased life expectancy.

Numerous studies have indicated that lithium levels in drinking water can be associated with improved moods. The links between lithium and lonjévity are not as clear-cut. Lithium has been clinically proven to affect the production of nitric oxide, which is a natural compound that constricts blood vessels and reduces inflammation. This is why many researchers have linked lithium to lonjévity.

Lithium may also have some kind of effect on the aging process because it seems to extend lifespan in laboratory animals, even though they are not certain how this works yet.

Lithium has been often linked to lonjévity due to its ability to increase the lifespan of mice by up to 20%.

However, few studies have been conducted to explore the effects of lithium on longevity on human.

Lithium has been found to be the key ingredient in the food and water of people living in the mountainous areas of Bolivia and Tibet, who have a lifespan twice as long as those living in other regions.

It's important to talk to your doctor or other professional before beginning any sort of supplementation or treatments. Feel free to contact us if you want us to give you the contact information of professionals who work with our network.

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