1 year ago

You helped us, and we thank you! Click on community tab at top for more details and the history of the events up to the changer that was made today 9/3/2022, from this comment i posted To nick nimmins video yesterday pushing shorts videos. Link here, reply below.
My reply to that video, change was made ONE DAY LATER and they used some of my own words in the video!

"Music companies pushing shorts so hard- so dumb not to realize if they let more creators like me use the popular music legally per dmc and fair use, then they would get more traction than any other platform, as the music becomes trending and main stream again. Them and the creator would make earnings, and it's the law! But yt pretty ignorant -er I mean the music companies are pretty ignorant, sorry.. Instead they shadowban me and strike me for using legal video productions. They could be capitalizing on Channels like mine by letting us do all the leg work, and instead of taking everything or removing videos, they could just sit back and relax for a damn minute and be content in their overwhelming amounts of earnings of ripping their own artists off for noises already. You tell us to be patient as creators right? We both should get earnings from it. But instead yall greedy asf, Instead of focusing on growth, your focusing on capital, and the two go together, not in the order youtube has prioritized . And so this is why I think you are losing to all the other platforms. As creators like me, have had enough and we just walk out. We find other options to share our work with 2 times less stress and No dumb counter notification emails of the childish music company greedy bullies straight out, breaking the protocols you advertise clear as day. Now-on most other platforms, I don't need music companies approval to make a video and share it. So I feel like the music companies and yt can Take those shorts and stick them shortly up that greedy you know what. All shorts are fair use infringements anyway according 2 the DMCA songed in 1998 guys and ladies, NINETEEN NINETY EIGHT! Google search the Digital Millennium Copyright act, Go to third link down in non pdf form. Read it several times.All the Internet is -SHARING,COPYING,CREATING. After you read all the fair use exceptions, and realize all the shorts fall under those exceptions of copyright, do you feel really betrayed for supporting shorts and not earning a penny for it? So yes You-yt are directly responsible and liable for allowing music companies to rob and destroy creators to line your pockets on this platform. Greasy, snakey snakes. Love your channel Nick! Yt I love everything about your platform but the fact that you refuse to legit honor fair use law,and copyright exceptions, and the law is very simple to understand as a creator. Don't act so naive and stop taking advantage of the younger creators who have no idea to research these things. Help creators create or move aside.PEACE! Keep Your Turbo World."


Video about more details of policy change that I shared a part of above. THIS IS UUUGE!

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