LEAKED VIDEO: Israeli Ministry of Health knows jabs cause frequent, severe, enduring side-effects

1 year ago

Publicly, the Israeli Ministry of Health (IMoH) said that negative side-effects of COVID 'vaccines' are rare, mild and transient. Privately, they acknowledge in a meeting at the beginning of June 2022, that adverse events reported between December of 2021 and May of 2022 show negative side-effects to be quite common, severe, long-lasting, and perhaps even permanent. Also, neurological negative side-effects were reported that were not known previously.

Even after the meeting, injection of infants was approved and the incriminating report was withheld even from their own experts. In the communication to the public regarding the injection of infants, the IMoH claimed there were no new safety signals. This was a blatant lie.

In the first part of this video, they discuss how to exactly word their public relations so as to prevent themselves from being sued. Of course the best way to prevent new lawsuits is to stop the jab campaign immediately and issue an urgent bulletin on severe safety issues. Instead, they discuss how to frame their message, public health be damned.

In the second part of this video, they discuss that side-effects recurring after re-challenge (booster dose), is a strong and reliable signal that the reported adverse events are not coincidences, but caused by the jab.

If you get a medical intervention and subsequently experience an adverse event, that might theoretically be due to coincidence. However, if the adverse effect goes away and comes back after another dose, that proves clearly that the adverse effect is in fact a negative side-effect, i.e. it is caused by the injection.

"The Naranjo algorithm ... is a questionnaire designed by Naranjo et al. for determining the likelihood of whether an ADR (adverse drug reaction) is actually due to the drug rather than the result of other factors."

Besides dose-response (rechallenge), there are more criteria to help determine whether two events are coincidence (correlation) or one causes the other (causation). See the Bradford Hill criteria of causation:


Israeli Ministry of Health caught lying. Knows vaxx side-effects are frequent, severe, long-lasting

Breaking: Researcher appointed by the Israeli MOH to investigate COVID-19 vaccine side effects warned the ministry it could be open to lawsuits for encouraging the public to get vaccinated while claiming that side effects are mild and transient

Twitter thread by Israeli reporter Yaffa Shir-Raz

Exclusive: Proof that the top Israeli health minister lied to the FDA and the people of Israel about the vaccines | Steve Kirsch

How Did the Israeli Ministry of Health Lie about And Manipulate An Expert Report on Adverse Events? | Josh Guetzkow

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