Debts and unforgiving hearts. (Matthew 18: 21-35) Part 1.

3 years ago

So, today I found out my camera doesn't like to record over 30ish min before starting a new save. A good bit to know, might help me keep the seemingly rant moments out a little easier... So, today, two parts. We don't have to play this game, we don't have to do it the world's way. Example here. Could be lazy and upload the second half tomorrow, but what would that help any? Even if not seen by many it needs to be said. The religion and the relationship aren't the same thing after all. They are very much two different. Night and Day doesn't even being to cover it, but it is a start. So, why don't we live like The KING and not like the world. If you see more in common with yourself and the unforgiving servant ask HIM to make in you a new heart. Something I've had to ask for daily in my past. Some days it was second by second and moment by moment that I would ask for a new heart that didn't play the world's ways. HE does it, will you let HIM do it in you too? Because HE comes to set it right. One way or the other. Which side would you rather land on? One of mercy that lives mercifully or one that is repeating the game that has been getting played since Cain killed Abel and persists to this day.

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